Space Invaders: Pokemon Edition

My teammate, Xingtong Huang, and I worked on a version of a popular game "Space Invaders" for our final project in EE319K "Introduction to Embedded Systems." This project was completed Spring 2014.


In our game, you are a pokemon trainer, out to be the very best. You throw pokeballs at the creatures that you come across, earn points for capturing them (some need to multiple balls) and must dodge their attacks in the process.


The game was coded in ARM assembly and C language and run on a EK-TM4C123GXL microcontroller. We used Keil uVision as our main software development system.


Circuit diagrams were planned out using PCBArtist. A variable resistor, a single click button allowed the user to control their pokemon trainer. A breadboard and wires connect all of the components together.